Saturday, March 8, 2014

F21 \\ MARCH 8TH 2014

Sorry I haven't posted in so long! I've been really busy with school and I just don't have time to even think :( But anyways, I have many things to post about so I'll start off with some items I bought today from Forever 21! 

I love the feeling of crop tops because it's always nice to show off a little skin once in a while. I would pair these with literally any kind of bottoms (shorts, skirts, pants). And the way they hug your skin just really compliments any kind of figure! 

I am so so soooo happy I found this because I love button ups and the fact that the two different colors meet in the middle makes it look so clean and classy. It's really simple yet it can act as a standout piece in any outfit.

These really flowy, sport-like shorts really caught my attention. Shorts like these can be really versatile and I love versatile pieces of clothing. You could honestly wear these to bed or pair them with a plain tee to school! The effortlessness gives it a laid-back vibe but not to laid back to the point where you don't even care what you're wearing.

I honestly can't believe I haven't owned a pair of black skinny jeans and it makes me so happy that I found some at a decent price. I don't even think I really need to say much about black jeans except that they are an essential thing to anyone's closet (:

Thank you for reading and I hope you got inspired !! I'll try my best to post more now that the trimester has ended and everything will be chill for the first couple of weeks. See ya later!

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