Tuesday, July 9, 2013

KERA Vol. 178

So while I was in LA to attend Anime Expo with my cousin (which was sooooooo fun omg), we went to Little Tokyo and we called it our "kawaii after party". First we went to the Kinokuniya bookstore and I finally bought myself a Japanese magazine ! I've been wanting one for such a long time but I just didn't know where to buy them. My cousin said Kera was a good one since it had all kinds of fashion like the different types of lolita and harajuku street fashion. I scanned some of my favorite pages for you to look at so enjoy!

Aren't these outfits cute? These models are wearing different outfits for everyday of the week ! 

 I love these outfits as well! 

 I love the lolita style! I could never pull off something like that but it's just so cute to look at and admire! 

 They also have little makeup tutorials c: There are 16 different makeup tutorials on 16 different models and they are all suuuper cute. 

Every aspect is just adorable. I like how they have outfits, hair, body, and face care, and makeup of course!

This model is so pretty ! Her hair looks really beautiful.

The shoes they show here are so adorable !

There are a few before and after photos of some models without makeup and then with makeup. Honestly, they look gorgeous with or without makeup c:

 Kyary! She's my favorite so of course I wanted to share this page. 

At the end of the magazine they also have cute horoscopes!
 To be honest I think Japanese magazine are much better than American magazines (not trying to be racist or anything). In Japanese magazines they are very generous in the amount of stuff they put into it! There aren't that many ads (well in this magazine there aren't and if there were I wouldn't be able to tell because every single page is so cute!) compared to a lot of American magazines. I was subscribed to Seventeen and I just recently unsubscribed to it because I was just getting so bored of it. So many ads and I'm much more interested in Japanese fashion. I paid about $8 for KERA and in my opinion I really think it's worth it! They put so much in just one page and I definitely will be looking through it over and over unlike the Seventeen magazines >__< The only downside is that I can't read Japanese! But it's okay because all of the pictures really capture your attention and you really don't need to read anything to be amazed and intrigued by it c: I think I'm going to go to Mitsuwa and find some more magazines. Hopefully they have some KERA magazines ! I also want to buy the Men's Non No magazine because of Sakaguchi Kentaro HAHA. He is soooo cute I'm so in love with him >__< If you have no clue who this beautiful Japanese man is, here is some glorious pictures of him.

Well that's all for this post, have a nice day beautifuls!! 

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