Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Animal Crossing: New Leaf !

Lately I've been playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf on my 3DS (XL Pink/White) and I can't stop playing. It's literally the first thing I do when I wake up every morning and my mom says "You're already playing???" Yes mom I have my priorities and you have yours. 

I had my mom buy it for me on the release date June 9 (my mom is an angel) but I didn't start playing it until the 14th which was the first day of summer vacation ! Such a good way to start the summer haha.

June 14

One of the first screenshots I took! 

June 25

Today I went to the island! When you get on the boat Kapp'n sings this really cute song while he takes you to the island (: At the island you can do many things like swimming/diving, fishing, catching bugs, go on tours, and buy things! It's absolutely adoraaaable.

There are a lot of exotic creatures that you won't find back in your town so always try to bring back a lot! I found this nasty isopod while I was diving.

I also got to see Reggie and his house in the HH Showcase !

The cool thing about the HH Showcase is that when you look inside other people's houses and you see something you like, you can order it! (not all of the time) I saw these pink carnations inside Reggie's house but unfortunately I couldn't order them :(

So this is what my house looks like! This screenshot was from a few days ago (ALL OF THESE SCREENSHOTS ARE OUT OF ORDER MY BAD) and I'm not really sure if I should buy roofs or new fences so I'll just keep it as is. I really do love the flowers in ACNL, they have so much more than the past AC games and it's really exciting! This game is seriously the best and I'm so happy I bought it and I think everyone else should buy it too ! 

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